Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Alternative Ways to Getting Funding for Your Business-Part 2b-Karatbars International

Have you ever thought about doing gold crowdfunding? It is a fairly new concept, but one that can be done. You would use Karatbars International affiliate program as your success vehicle to get the funds needed for your business. Here is a brief sample of the steps that you could take:

  1. Sign up for your FREE Karatbars Affiliate account. 
  2. Create a business plan with a great executive summary
  3. Link up with a marketing investment firm that has access to private and public investors.
At the end of the crowdfunding session, you should have made enough commission off of each investors purchase of gold bars that allows you to walk away with the funding needed and no loan to pay back.

To learn more about the Karatbars product, how to become an affiliate, and/or about this particular unique program of gold crowdfunding, click http://bit.ly/13xmE7X.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Alternative Ways to Getting Funding for Your Business-Part 2a-Karatbars International

Have you ever thought about accepting gold as an alternative form of currency for your business? Currently popular forms of alternative currency being accepted by businesses: Credit and Debit Cards, Checks, Barter Clubs, Community Exchange System (CES), etc.

Karatbars International offers a program called the K-Exchange Center. As a K-Exchange Center, your business will accept Karatbars Gold at the given buy-back price, which can be a very lucrative opportunity for your business. Your business will be listed on the Karatbars Global website for FREE.

World-wide link to the Karatbars Network
Wholesale margin for the purchase of Karatbars gold bullion
Additional income through Karatbars
Sell your products/services via Karatbars
Increase customer loyalty with Karatbars Gold Bonus Card
Gain new customers through Karatbars

To learn more: http://bit.ly/13xmE7X